Extending the Learning Process: Using the Theory of Connectivism to Inspire Student Collaboration
For years, library instruction has taken place in 50-minute class periods in the library. Librarians have traditionally demonstrated various research tools, occasionally provided students with the opportunity for hands-on practice, and then sent them back to their regular classrooms. Due to these time constraints, this method does not always allow for one-on-one instruction or interaction among students in the class. By following the underlying principles advocated in contemporary learning theories, such as connectivism, librarians can work with teaching faculty to provide students with a collaborative learning experience that extends well beyond the library classroom.
I’ve also been listening to a podcast of George Siemens on Connectivism at http://www.educause.edu/blogs/gbayne/cni-podcast-wikipedia-and-libraries-whats-connection
We need to see education differently. (George Siemens)
We need to see library education differently.
To stop individuals being overwhelmed by information. What can they do with it. We need to see connections and make sense of them. Knowledge is the particular network. Learning is creating and shaping the networks.
Basic level: Becoming aware of something
Active connection learning (finding a journal article and making connection with it)
Blogs, twitter etc enable connection and value of the resources.
You don’t become an expert by googling something.
Long sustained involvement in networks is vital. Then reflect.
Libraries are there to assist students to become part of the network.