My first week on the course has been interesting because it is really the first time I have fully participated in an online course and I am finding it to be a very useful exercise. I decided to use a blog to record my time on the course because I have not done a more personal blog before. It may be possible for me to use the blog after the course has finished to expand my online footprint and use it to talk about teaching, learning, libraries, information literacy etc etc.
My overwhelming feeling in my first week of the course is that eeek the course has started and I have to get on with it on my own. Having had no other contact with any of the other participants means that I am getting used to logging on and reading when I can, making sure I contribute and remembering everything that I need to do within the time contraints I have. Normally I might see Julian or Sue and chat about things but so far I haven’t discussed anything face to face and I am immersing myself in the online experience. I think I am slowly adjusting!